Teen Projects

The Connor Johnson Memorial Foundation is committed to helping teens learn safe driving habits that they will practice throughout their lifetime and pass on to their children.  It is to this end that we seek to provide financial support to teen led projects that encourage safe driving habits.  These projects may be school based or community based.  They may seek to have a local impact or a national impact.  Regardless of how small you may think your project is – we are here to help you grow it into a project that will change… and save… lives.

2015 5th Annual Memorial Cup Launched SADD Contest.
“Drive Without Distractions” Campaign

The Connor Johnson Memorial Foundation sponsored a contest for the best SADD designed and implemented “Drive Without Distractions” Campaign for the 2015-2016 school year.  A “Memorial Cup” trophy and cash prizes were presented to the winning SADD group.  Invitations to participate had been sent to all the high schools in Beaver County.

The winners were determined by the Connor Johnson Foundation Board members and Memorial Cup sponsors.

Cash Award
1st Place – Our Lady of the Sacred Heart – $2,500
2nd Place – South Side Area HS – $1,500
3rd Place – Central Valley HS – $1,000

Memorial Cup Award Presentation
April 11, 2015
Brady’s Run Ice Arena
121 Bradys Run Road
Beaver Falls, PA 15010


If you have a project or an idea for a project please contact michelle@connorjohnsonfoundation.org with your idea!